Friday, February 4, 2011

Success? No, no, we can't have that.

Well this is just too depressing for words really.  It's being widely reported today that Canadian Women's Team Coach Carolina Morace is planning to quit after this year's world cup.  An internal memo was leaked and can be read in full here, but the real kick to the guts part of it is this sentence; “The Canadian Soccer Association (CSA) has a strategy to achieve their goals that differs from my strategy,” said Morace."

I think the last couple of years have shown that Morace's strategy is working pretty well, as the team has really improved since she took over to the point where they are now a legitimate contender for the world cup.  Without knowing the exact reasons behind her request, it's difficult to be accurately angry, but it seems like this is just another example of CSA incompetence, finally something good happens, and within two years they manage to upset Morace enough that she wants to quit.  If reports about prize money not being distributed to players are correct, that would be disgraceful.

There are already many many good reasons to hope that the CSA reform being voted on this weekend goes through, it's way too long and complicated and full of political intrigue to get into here, but go check out Ben Knight's columns, he's been doing a great job keeping up with it all, hopefully this can be another nail in the coffin of the old guard.

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