Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Cruel geography? what's that supposed to mean?

I'm not going to come out and call every Man Utd/Barcelona/New York Yankees/whoever fan a gloryhunter, I'm sure there's a lot of them that have very valid reasons for supporting their team, whether it's living nearby or some kind of family connection, or one of many other potential reasons.  But this blog isn't for those people

This is for those people who, for the very same reasons, for the most noble of intentions, have ended up supporting a team or teams that give them nothing but heartbreak.  Those held hostage by the economics of a small population and supporter base, or by greedy and/or incompetent ownership and management.  Those who keep going through thin and thin with only the occasional minor triumph to sustain them, ignoring the siren call of the those big, popular, successful, easy to follow teams.  Those who accept the hand that fate and geography (huh?  huh?  cruel geography. geddit?)have dealt them and stick with it, because it's just the right thing to do.

I'm not exactly sure which direction this blog will end up taking, at least at the start it's going to have a wierd blend of subjects.  Toronto FC, as the only live sport I see nowadays will feature heavily, with a bit of the Toronto Maple Leafs and other North American sport here and there if and when it piques my interest.  The other focus will be on the lower divisions of the English Football League, as a Darlington fan, they, and League Two and the Blue Square Premier will probably be overproportionally represented, but I guess we'll see where it ends up.

So thanks for reading, feel free to comment, please come back.


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