Friday, September 10, 2010

Mmmmmmm cliches.

So, it's squeaky bum time, 7 games left, at least 4 wins, probably 5 wins needed to make the playoffs, and we're at home to the worst team in the league.  Games don't come more must winnish that this one.  They also don't come much more winnable.  If we don't win tomorrow, then we're not going to make the playoffs, if we can't win, then we really don't deserve to.

In his pre game interview Preki talks about the need for the midfield to step up and share the load offensively, saying they've only accounted for 2 goals all season.  While this is arguably true, if you don't consider De Rosario to have been playing in midfield at all this year, it's also a bit rich considering it's his tactics that have led to that stat, as well as the welcome reduction in goals against.  Hopefully this means he's ready to go with a more attacking formation to try and get some goals and put the game away early, then rest players for the midweek ccl game against Salt lake.

In fairness to Preki, he put out an attacking line-up against Chicago, unfortunately, it had Jacob Peterson up front, so was always unlikely to bear fruit.  With that in mind, I'd love to see Maicon Santos start the game.  If he's not fit enough for the whole game then take him off, but let's start with our strongest line-up rather than have to throw him on later if we're struggling.  With Chad Barrett probably still not fit enough, I'd keep O'Brian White in the team with him up front, as I feel he's been looking much better in the last couple of games, following up a hard working game against Dallas with more of the same against Chicago, and actually looking like a threat to score a couple of times.

The status of Mista remains a mystery, Preki saying he's been having trouble with his leg, but if he's fit, I'd like to see him in the centre of an attacking midfield trio with De Ro and LaBrocca, with De guzman as the holding midfielder.  If Mista isn't fit, then, for want of a better alternative, put Peterson on the wing with De Ro tucked in behind the strikers.

The defence is fairly straight forward, just replace the suspended Usanov with Gargan, and keep Harden at left back rather than Garcia.

4-1-3-2, it's risky but it's do or die time, balls to the wall, death or glory, win or bust, go big or go home, choose your cliche really.  I predict a 3-0 TFC win, with White and De Ro scoring early and shockingly, Peterson getting a third in the second half.


  1. Peterson scoring? How many beers did you have when you wrote that?!

  2. I was on my 4th by that point. I don't know, I have a good feeling about this game, things are going to go right in all sorts of unexpected ways.

  3. And how many had you had when you wrote that?!! ;)
